Annual mean temperatures in Ann Arbor, Michiganfaraway::abrasion
Wear on materials according to type, run and positionfaraway::aflatoxin
aflatoxin dosage and liver cancer in lab animalsfaraway::africa
miltary coups and politics in sub-Saharan Africafaraway::airpass
Airline passengersfaraway::alfalfa
Effects of seed inoculum, irrigation and shade on alfalfa yieldfaraway::amlxray
Match pair study for AML and Xray linkfaraway::anaesthetic
Time in minutes to eye opening after reversal of anaesthetic.faraway::babyfood
Respiratory disease rates of babies fed in different waysfaraway::beetle
Beetles exposed to fumigantfaraway::bliss
Insect mortality due to insecticidefaraway::breaking
Breaking strength of materialsfaraway::broccoli
Broccoli weight variationfaraway::butterfat
Butterfat content of milk by breedfaraway::cathedral
Cathedral nave heights and lengths in Englandfaraway::cheddar
Taste of Cheddar cheesefaraway::chicago
Chicago insurance redliningfaraway::chiczip
Chicago zip codes north-southfaraway::chmiss
Chicago insurance redliningfaraway::choccake
Chocolate cake experiment with split plot designfaraway::chredlin
Chicago insurance redliningfaraway::clot
Blood clotting timesfaraway::cmob
Social class mobility from 1971 to 1981 in the UKfaraway::cns
Malformations of the central nervous systemfaraway::coagulation
Blood coagulation times by dietfaraway::composite
Strength of a thermoplastic composite depending on two factorsfaraway::cornnit
Corn yields from nitrogen applicationfaraway::corrosion
Corrosion loss in Cu-Ni alloysfaraway::cpd
Projected and actual sales of 20 consumer productsfaraway::crawl
Crawling babies by monthfaraway::ctsib
Effects of surface and vision on balance.faraway::death
Death penalty in Florida 1977faraway::debt
psychology of debtfaraway::denim
Denim wastage by supplierfaraway::diabetes
Diabetes and obesity, cardiovascular risk factorsfaraway::dicentric
Radiation dose effects on chromosomal abnormalityfaraway::divusa
Divorce in the USA 1920-1996faraway::drugpsy
Choice of drug treatment for psychiatry patientsfaraway::dvisits
Doctor visits in Australiafaraway::eco
Ecological regression examplefaraway::eggprod
Treatment and block effects on egg productionfaraway::eggs
Nested data on lab testing of eggsfaraway::epilepsy
Epileptic seizures in clinical trial of drugfaraway::esdcomp
Complaints about emergency room doctorsfaraway::exa
Simulated non-parametric regression datafaraway::exb
Simulated non-parametric regression datafaraway::eyegrade
grading of eye pairs for distance visionfaraway::fat
Percentage of Body Fat and Body Measurements in Menfaraway::femsmoke
Mortality due to smoking according age group in womenfaraway::fortune
Billionaires' wealth and agefaraway::fpe
1981 French Presidential Electionfaraway::fruitfly
Longevity of fruitflies depending on sexual activity and thorax lengthfaraway::gala
Species diversity on the Galapagos Islandsfaraway::galamiss
Species diversity on the Galapagos Islandsfaraway::gammaray
Xray decay from a gamma ray burstfaraway::gavote
Undercounted votes in Georgia in 2000 presidential electionfaraway::globwarm
Northern Hemisphere temperatures and climate proxies in the last milleniafaraway::haireye
Hair and eye colorfaraway::happy
love, work and happinessfaraway::happy
love, work and happinessfaraway::hemoglobin
Treatment of insulin dependent diabetic childrenfaraway::hips
Ankylosing Spondylitisfaraway::hormone
Hormone concentrations in gay and straight menfaraway::hprice
Housing prices in US cities 86-94faraway::hsb
Career choice of high school studentsfaraway::infmort
Infant mortality according to income and regionfaraway::insulgas
Effects of insulation on gas consumptionfaraway::irrigation
Irrigation methods in an agricultural field trialfaraway::jsp
Junior School Projectfaraway::kanga
Kangaroo skull measurementsfaraway::lawn
Cut-off times of lawnmowersfaraway::leafblotch
Leaf blotch on barleyfaraway::leafburn
Data on the burning time of samples of tobacco leavesfaraway::mammalsleep
Sleep in Mammals: Ecological and Constitutional Correlatesfaraway::manilius
Mayer's 1750 data on the Manilius crater on the moonfaraway::meatspec
Meat spectrometry to determine fat contentfaraway::melanoma
Melanoma by type and locationfaraway::motorins
Third party motor insurance claims in Sweden in 1977faraway::neighbor
Questionnaire study of neighborly helpfaraway::nels88
National Education Longitudinal Study of 1988faraway::nepali
Nepali child heath studyfaraway::nes96
US 1996 national election studyfaraway::newhamp
New Hampshire Democratic Party Primary 2008faraway::oatvar
Yields of oat varieties planted in blocksfaraway::odor
Odor of chemical by production settingsfaraway::ohio
Ohio Children Wheeze Statusfaraway::orings
Spache Shuttle Challenger O-ringsfaraway::ozone
Ozone in LA in 1976faraway::parstum
Marijuana and parent alcohol and drug usefaraway::peanut
Carbon dioxide effects on peanut oil extractionfaraway::penicillin
Penicillin yield by block and treatmentfaraway::phbirths
Birth weights in Philadelphiafaraway::pima
Diabetes survey on Pima Indiansfaraway::pipeline
NIST data on ultrasonic measurements of defects in the Alaska pipelinefaraway::pneumo
Pneumonoconiosis in coal minersfaraway::potuse
Marijuana usage by youthfaraway::prostate
Prostate cancer surgeryfaraway::psid
Panel Study of Income Dynamics subsetfaraway::pulp
Brightness of paper pulp depending on shift operatorfaraway::punting
Leg strength and puntingfaraway::pvc
Production of PVC by operator and resin railcarfaraway::pyrimidines
Activity in pyrimidinesfaraway::rabbit
Rabbit weight gain by diet and litterfaraway::ratdrink
Rat growth weights affected by additivesfaraway::rats
Effect of toxic agents on ratsfaraway::resceram
Shape and plate effects on current noise in resistorsfaraway::salmonella
Salmonella reverse mutagenicity assayfaraway::sat
School expenditure and test scores from USA in 1994-95faraway::savings
Savings rates in 50 countriesfaraway::seatpos
Car seat position depending driver sizefaraway::seeds
Germination of seeds depending on moisture and coveringfaraway::semicond
Semiconductor split-plot experimentfaraway::sexab
Post traumatic stress disorder in abused adult femalesfaraway::sexfun
Marital sex ratingsfaraway::snail
Snail productionfaraway::solder
Solder skips in printing circuit boardsfaraway::sono
Germination failures for soybean seedsfaraway::spector
Teaching methods in Economicsfaraway::speedo
Speedometer cable shrinkagefaraway::star
Star temperatures and light intensitesfaraway::stat500
Marks in a statistics classfaraway::stepping
Stepping and effect on heart ratefaraway::strongx
Strong interaction experiment datafaraway::suicide
Suicide method data from the UKfaraway::teengamb
Study of teenage gambling in Britainfaraway::toenail
Toenail infection treatment studyfaraway::troutegg
Survival of trout eggs depending on time and locationfaraway::truck
Truck leaf spring experimentfaraway::turtle
Incubation temperature and the sex of turtlesfaraway::tvdoctor
Life, TVs and Doctorsfaraway::twins
Twin IQs from Burtfaraway::uncviet
UNC student opinions about the Vietnam Warfaraway::uswages
Weekly wages of US male workers in 1988faraway::vision
Acuity of vision in response to light flashfaraway::wafer
resitivity of wafer in semiconductor experimentfaraway::wavesolder
Defects in a wave soldering processfaraway::wbca
Wisconsin breast cancer databasefaraway::wcgs
Western Collaborative Group Studyfaraway::weldstrength
welding strength DOEfaraway::wfat
Percentage of Body Fat and Body Measurements in Womenfaraway::wheat
Insect damage to wheat by varietyfaraway::worldcup
Data on players from the 2010 World Cup